
Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP)

We are a firm being regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). RICS requires that every regulated firm has Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) in place.

To meet the regulations we have the following steps :


The first stage is internal, whereby the complaint is considered internally and only in case the successful solution of the problem is not possible then the second stage of the procedure comes into action.

If you have spoken to us about your complaint, please put the details of your complaint in writing.
We request that you put your complaint in writing to make sure that we have a full understanding of the reasons for your complaint.


Send your written Complaint to

Mr. Manish Gupta

Managing Director

Calgary Project Consultants

P Box – 91953, Dubai




Redress provider used by us

Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC)

Baniyas Road, Deira

P.O. Box: 1457

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Telephone Number: +971 (0)4 202 8343

If we are unable to agree on how to resolve your complaint then you have the opportunity to take your complaint to an independent redress provider, as approved by RICS Regulatory Board.